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If a woman has a breast symptom that has been present for less than twelve months, she is not eligible to enrol with BreastScreen Aotearoa. Women of any age who feel or notice anything unusual about their breasts, at any time, should see their doctor. We can screen women in wheelchairs or with mobility issues at our main screening location of Manukau SuperClinic in Manurewa or at our sub-sites in Howick, Pukekohe and Botany. Unfortunately, we are not able to accommodate wheelchairs on our mobile screening unit due to space issues.

Please make sure when you book your appointment that we are aware of any mobility issues or other disabilities you may have, as we will allow extra time. Women with breast implants can have mammograms at any of our screening sites. When you book your appointment, please ensure we are aware that you have implants so that we can allow extra time. Three-quarters of women diagnosed with breast cancer in New Zealand are 50 years and older.

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Studies show that for women aged 50 and over, the risk of death from breast cancer is reduced by about a third with two yearly screening mammograms. In women aged 45 - 50 years, the risk of death from breast cancer is reduced by a fifth with regular mammography. Research shows that mammograms are not as good at detecting breast cancer and saving lives in younger women, particularly before menopause. In younger women, the breast tissue may be more dense, making mammograms harder to read and increasing the risk of missing cancers. Women under 45 are more likely to have something show up on their mammogram that needs checking but turns out not to be cancer, causing unnecessary worry.

If you feel or notice anything about your breasts that is not usual for you, please see your doctor.

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Your doctor may then refer to the diagnostic breast clinic in your area for free assessment of any abnormality in your breast. A strong family history of breast cancer includes a mother, sister, daughter, male relative or two aunts with premenopausal or bilateral breast cancer, or multiple family members. Women who have a strong history of premenopausal breast cancer in their family may be eligible for free yearly mammograms through their local District Health Board DHB , if referred by their doctor.

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Women with other specific risk factors for breast cancer may also be eligible for free yearly screening through their DHB. Speak to your doctor for a referral through the public health system if you believe you may be eligible for yearly screening. If you have had breast cancer it is very important that you have regular check-ups with your doctor, especially in the first five years after your cancer was found.

These should include a thorough breast examination and an annual mammogram. One of the reasons for this is that you are at an increased risk of developing breast cancer again.

BreastScreen Aotearoa recommends that you continue to visit your breast specialist or usual doctor for these ongoing annual check-ups. The specialist or doctor will organise an annual mammogram for you. This mammogram is free if it is through a public hospital.

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After having breast cancer, you can have a screening mammogram every two years through BreastScreen Aotearoa if:. If you do rejoin BreastScreen Aotearoa you should still continue to have an annual breast examination by your doctor. A normal consultation fee would usually be charged.

BreastScreen Aotearoa is a programme designed for women who have no apparent breast problems.

Our mobile screening unit moves around the district to give women the opportunity to have a mammogram at a location convenient to them. If you do not meet the criteria, you will be required to pay for the full costs of any medical treatment you receive during your stay. To check whether you meet the specified eligibility criteria, visit the Ministry of Health website www. Set sail on a day expedition cruise with an exceptional itinerary and allow yourself to be transported to another world where the wildlife rules and we are but visitors.

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